First Nations

TIckets still available!

Join us for a conference experience unlike the rest — the first-ever Canadian conference dedicated to integrated fundraising, marketing and campaigning for nonprofits and charities.

In July 2016, our own David Ng, 29, was awarded The Diversity and Inclusion Award from the City of Vancouver which celebrates outstanding leadership to foster inclusion across diverse communities. How does a young person acquire such recognition?

David Ng, started his journey at 14 as a volunteer youth advisor for Condomania – a youth sexual health program – developing their website and participating in and leading focus groups with Hello Cool World. This was David’s first experience learning about activism and anti-oppression.

We're good listeners 

Fourteen years ago on this day, Hello Cool World came into being as a company. Our mission always has been to listen first, then co-create projects with our clients. In other words, it's like a healthy relationship! Good communication, respect, commitment to shared goals, and of course pleasure in the process! We can only work with clients we love.

Everyone is someone's brother, son, father, sister, mother, auntie, cousin... we are all connected.

This is true for everyone, but even more so in First Nation's communities, where tight knit familes, mean the impact on one person is felt by many. This is why the implications of a positive diagnosis of HIV/AIDS has the potential to ripple out. And it's the love families have for their kin that can save communtiies from the devastating effects of stigma. 

We're excited to launch our new portfolio site!

We've been so busy making things for our clients, that we have neglected our own portfolio! Those days are over now, Welcome to the new home for Hello Cool World Media, a site to showcase the work that we've been doing for our wonderful clients. Please browse through the thumbnails and dive into the stories that each 'portal' in our portolio opens up. It's still a work in progress so please visit often to see what's new.