Posted by RylanF

Indian Horse: e-learning modules

07 December 2018

Project Description

Through this project, our hope is to build understanding in non-Indigenous Canadians about why things look the way they do for Indigenous Peoples today. We will be rolling out interactive educational modules starting in September 2018 for the school year. Our resources will help students and educators discuss this history in a safe and culturally relevant way.
Richard Wagamese’ award-winning novel Indian Horse is being taught in thousands of Canadian classrooms, with over 100,000 copies of the book in circulation. The story of Saul Indian Horse hit the big screen back in April 2018. Now we have launched the educational DVD.  Help us make sure that the Indian Horse film reaches high school classrooms across the country, and that it has long-tale life as a resource that fosters empathy, healing and understanding.

Client: Screen Siren Pictures Inc.